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PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS The Chemical Imbalance Lie

Much of the information about mental disorders that is provided  by  psychiatrists  or pharmaceutical-funded psychiatric  interest/support  groups,  includes references  such  as �neurobiologically based condition�  or  �treatable brain disorder.�

Reputable physicians agree  that  for  a  disease to exist, there must be a tangible, objective physical  abnormality  that  can be  determined  through tests  such  as,  but  not limited  to,  blood  or urine, X-ray, brain scan or  biopsy.  No  scientific evidence  exists  that would  prove  that ADHD is a �brain-based disease�  or  that  a chemical imbalance in the brain is responsible for any mental disorder.

Pediatric  neurologist  Dr. Fred  Baughman  Jr. states that claiming ADHD is a �disease� or �neurobiological� condition makes it so �real and terrible that the parent who dares not to believe in it, or allow  its  treatment,  is  likely  to  be  deemed  negligent, and no longer deserving of custody of their child. � This  is  a  perversion  of  science  and medicine and is a lie.�

Ty C. Colbert,  a  clinical psychologist and author, says:  �Biopsychiatrists  have  created  the myth that psychiatric �wonder� drugs correct chemical imbalances. Yet there is no basis for this model because no chemical imbalance has ever been proven to be the basis of a mental  illness. �

In his 1998 book, Blaming  the  Brain , biopsychologist  Elliot  S. Valenstein says the �biochemical� theory is held onto because it is �useful  in  promoting  drug treatment.�

In 2003, Australian psychologist Philip Owen warned:  �The  claim  is continually  made  that the drugs repair chemical imbalances in the brain. This claim is false. It is still not possible to measure the exact levels of  neurotransmitters  in specific  synapses  within the  human  brain.  How, then,  is  it  possible  to make  claims  about chemical imbalances?�

Jonathan Leo, professor  of  anatomy  at Western  University  of Health  Sciences,  and Professor  David  Cohen of  the  School  of Social  Work  at  Florida International  University, reviewed 33 of the most recent  brain-imaging studies  of  ADHD-diagnosed  subjects.  They  confirmed  that  every  study  concerned  medicated  children,  a  major  variable  because  stimulant  drugs �cause  very  persistent  changes  in  the  brain.�  They also  reviewed  a  2001  National  Institute  of  Mental Health (NIMH) study, widely promoted by psychiatrists,  which  claimed  that  unmedicated  ADHD children  had  significantly  smaller  brains.  However, the  comparison  group  was  two  years  older,  so naturally the younger children had smaller brains.

Psychiatric assertions of �chemical imbalances� and �treatable brain disorders� are always accompanied by a strong pretense of scientific rigor, but are in fact no more than anecdotal reports.

BOGUS BRAIN THEORY: Presented in countless  popular magazines, the public has been assailed with the latest theory of what is wrong with the brain. What is lacking, as with all psychiatric pontificating, is scientific fact. As Dr. Elliot S. Valenstein explains, �There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person�s brain.�


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