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1. Despite more than $6 billion (4.89 billion) in taxpayer money spent on psychiatric research, Rex Cowdry, Director of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, said, �We do not know the causes [of mental illness]. We don�t have the methods of �curing� these illnesses yet.�

2. In 2002, the European Commission found that, despite reforms, involuntary commitment has increased and many patients remain inadequately informed about their rights.

3. Community Mental Health programs have been an expensive and colossal failure, creating homelessness, drug addiction, crime and unemployment all over the world.

4. Mental health courts assert that criminal behavior is caused by a psychiatric problem and that treatment will stop the behavior. There is no evidence to support this.

CHAPTER THREE: Coercive �Care� in Psychiatry

While proponents of commitment and enforced psychiatric treatment argue they are protecting the person�s �right to treatment,� a strong opposition points out that because of their far-reaching powers, involuntary commitment laws�including forcing �treatment� onto people in the community�are totalitarian. 

Michael McCubbin, Ph.D., associate researcher, and David Cohen, Ph.D., professor of social services, both of the University of Montreal, say that the ��right to treatment� is today more often the �right� to receive forced treatment.�

George Hoyer, professor of community medicine at the University of Tromsoe in Norway, wrote, �Seriously mentally disordered patients neither lack insight, nor is their competency impaired to the degree previously believed.�

Robert Hayes, formerly of the Australian Law Reform Commission, stated, �The fact [is] that mental illness is rarely defined, even in psychiatric textbooks, that faith in psychiatry is not always borne out by results � and that without � a real prospect of useful curative treatment, commitment to a hospital may be oppressive.� 

Most commitment laws are based on the concept that a person may be a danger to himself or others if not placed in an institution. However, an APA task force admitted in a 1979 Amicus Curiae Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court, �Psychiatric expertise in the prediction of �dangerousness� is not established.� 

In 2002, Kimio Moriyama, vice president of the Japanese Psychiatrists Association, expressed psychiatry�s inability to foresee correctly what a person�s future behavior might be: �A patient�s mental disease and criminal tendency are essen- tially different, and it is impossible for medical science to tell whether someone has a high potential to repeat an offense,� he said. Another expert stated, �When it comes to predicting violence, our crystal balls are terribly cloudy.�

Individuals are sometimes forced to pay for a legal defense against treatment that they do not want and against incarceration that consumes their insurance coverage. This occurs in the United States, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg and the Netherlands. This is comparable to being kidnapped and imprisoned, only to be ordered later by the court to pay the kidnapper for room and board.


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