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MALPRACTICE ALERT Violation Of Informed Consent
by Fred A.Baughman Jr., MD.

Dr. Baughman is a board certified neurologist and child neurologist and a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology. He has discovered and described real diseases, yet has found no abnormality in children said to have ADD/ADHD and �learning disabilities.�

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, I witnessed the exploding ADHD epidemic. Just as it was my duty to every patient to diagnose actual disease when it was present, it was equally my duty to make clear to them that they had no disease when that was the case�that is, when no abnormality could be found. Moreover, it was my duty to know the scientific literature concerning every real neurological disease, and every purported neurological disease as well.

By contrast, in its 40 years of existence, �biological psychiatry� has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything �neurological,� �biological,� �chemically imbalanced� or �genetic.�

With no abnormality in the �ADHD child,� the pseudo-medical label is nothing but stigmatizing, and the unwarranted drug treatment that invariably follows, a physical assault. The �medication� typically prescribed for ADHD and �learning disorders� is a hazardous and addictive amphetamine-like drug.

The following children are no longer hyper active or inattentive�they are dead. Between 1994 and 2001, I was consulted, medically or legally, formally or informally, in the following death cases:

Stephanie, 11, prescribed a stimulant and died of cardiac arrhythmia;

Matthew, 13, pre scribed a stimulant and died of cardiomyopathy [disease of heart muscle];

Macauley, 7, prescribed a stimulant and three other psychiatric drugs, suffered a cardiac arrest;

Travis, 13, prescribed a stimulant and suffered cardiomyopathy;

Randy, 9, given a stimulant and several other drugs and died from cardiac arrest;

Cameron, 12, prescribed a stimulant and died from hypereosin ophilic syndrome [abnormal increase in white blood cells].

This is a high price to pay for the �treat ment� of a �disease� that does not exist. In calling ADHD an abnormality/disease, without scientific facts, the psychiatrist knowingly lies, and violates the informed consent rights of both patient and parents. This is de facto medical malpractice.

I urge all physicians to remember, �No demonstrable physical or chemical abnormality: no disease!�


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