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1. From the beginning of the 20th century in Germany, psychologists and psychiatrists have targeted education to �destroy free will. ��

2. As a result of psychiatric and psychological intervention in schools, harmful behaviorist programs such as �values clarification,� �outcome based education,� �mastery learning,� �self esteem� classes, and psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs now decimate our schools.

3. According to educators, �academic, knowledge-based curricula� has been jettisoned in favor of psychology that �places the emotions and belief systems above� educational outcomes.

4. Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at Kent University in the U.K., said, �The regime of therapeutic education is based on a form of behavior modification that not only targets conduct but also attempts to alter certain forms of feelings and emotions.�

5. The current psychiatric push for mandatory �mental illness screening� of all schoolchildren has Nazi roots that all governments, educators and parents ignore at their own peril.

6. These psychological programs have trampled on the rights and roles of parents and have provided society with rising crime, drug abuse and suicide rates.

Schoolchildren are expected to accept unproven and controversial theories about human behavior, answer provocative and personal questionnaires in the classroom, undergo psychiatric evaluations as a result and in many cases, endure enforced drugging�all of which does not bode well for the future of our young.

CHAPTER ONE Tyranny in Our Schools

Thomas Jefferson, one of the USA�s �founding fathers,� said, �I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.�

There is no better example of tyranny over the minds of men than what is being given to children in the name of education and �help� through behaviorist programs such as �values clarification,� �outcome based education,� �mastery learning,� psychological and psychiatric questionnaires and �screening,� �self esteem� classes, and psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs.

Spuriously passed off as necessary to stop the downward spiral of school failure, drug abuse, suicidal behavior and low �self- esteem,� for more than 40 years these programs have been a destructive failure, in effect escalating the very problems that psychiatrists claim they prevent or resolve.

The classroom provides what Beverly Eakman, educator and author of Cloning of the American Mind, says is a �psychologically controlled environment,� where �scientific� coercion can be used to bring about certain beliefs.
Terms such as �modifying behavior,� �targeting attitudes� and �outcomes� are used, which essentially mean �altering beliefs,� �bringing about a particular (psychological or psychiatric) viewpoint,� and ensuring the
child leaves school with the �right� world view.

In 1966, schools began to be used as an ideological platform for the abandonment of self-discipline and morality. The assault on social values came with the textbook called Values Clarification: A Handbook of Practical Strategies for Teachers and Students. The book laid out 79 strategies and included a seven-step procedure that called for the child to first �thaw out� previous values instilled in him through his family, his home and his church. The student was instructed to set these values aside. During the second phase, the student considered and selected a new set of values that he felt was important to him. Phase three of the procedure instructed the child to refreeze his newly chosen values; he was committed to making them a part of his lifestyle and to act on them.

Some sample questions and exercises were:

How many of you think there are times when cheating is justified?

How many of you would approve of contract marriages in which the marriage could come up for renewal every few years?

Tell me where you stand on the topic of masturbation.

To whom do you tell your doubts about religion? I would lie if �

Eakman writes that psychiatrists and psychologists� �clear and stated agenda� for a �therapeutic education� has been to �jettison systematic, academic, knowledge-based curricula in favor of psychologized fare that places the emotions and belief systems above any � rational, or communicative function.� What information youngsters did learn, she said, �was actually harmful.� Parents have been undermined without their knowledge.

Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at Kent University in the United Kingdom, explains, �The regime of therapeutic education is based on a form of behavior modification that not only targets conduct but also attempts to alter certain forms of feelings and emotions. Training a child how to feel is far more intrusive and coercive than educating a pupil in how to behave.�

Former teacher Ellen Makkai makes clear that the emphasis on psychological screening in schools has led to children being treated as �guinea pigs�: �What happened to readin� and writin� and �rithmetic? Today students are being grilled like delinquents about non-academics such as sex, drugs and hooch [alcohol]. Invasive school surveys ask students if they drink, smoke, snort [drugs] or steal. Are their parents political, abusive, divorced or dead? Do they believe in God, hell and heaven? Have they ever been bullied, pregnant, arrested or raped? Do they floss [teeth], bike or jog? Are they fat, skinny or suicidal? Do they have sex, hobbies or a gun? Never are they asked if they are embarrassed by the questions. Nor are they read their Miranda (constitutional) rights.�

In February 2004, Hans Zeiger, Seattle Times columnist and president of the Scout Honor Coalition in Michigan, reported that �Over the past century public education has devolved from the classical approach of character plus basics (reading, writing, arithmetic, respect, and responsibility), to skills, to psychological-social engineering. Today, education �experts� celebrate their revolutionary doctrines of multiculturalism and values clarification. Sadly, the experts have been too preoccupied with experimental education, diversity training, evolution instruction, and sex education to realize that 68% of students are unprepared for college.�

Delinquency, drug abuse, suicide and violence have been escalating among youths worldwide.

A 2002 report by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, a Los Angeles based non-profit ethics research organization, reveals that �cheating, stealing and lying by high school students have continued their alarming, decade-long upward spiral�; 74% of students admitted to cheating on an exam in the past year and 63% admitted to lying to teachers at least twice in the past year.

According to William Kilpatrick, author of Why Johnny Can�t Tell Right From Wrong, with psychological curricula �feelings, personal growth, and a totally nonjudgmental attitude� are emphasized. However, �� no models of good behavior are provided, no reason is given why a boy or girl should want to be good in the first place. � They come away with the impression that even the most basic values are matters of dispute.� He warned, �� it becomes clear why their [educational] scores are low and why morals are on a steep decline.�


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