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Psychiatric and Psychological Gold Digging

Ellen Makkai explained the financial motives behind mental health programs: �Government and private grants seduce [school] districts into using these student interrogations, which are then used to convince benefactors that districts need help�the bigger the problems, the bigger the prize.� Edward Freeland, associate director of the Survey Research Center at Princeton University says: �If a district proves itself to be in rough enough shape,� financial faucets open.

One self-esteem consultant in the United States was making up to $10,000 a day, despite no scientific evidence in 20 years that self-esteem programs have ever worked. An �Anger Management for Youth Program� used in schools costs $2,500. A Minnesota-based group that studies children�s behavior and beliefs to identify their �problems� has an annual budget of $10 million. And in one Mexican state, the Education Department paid around $700,000 for a package of U.S. psychological assessments known as the �Little Happy Box� for teachers to use on students�-despite education supervisors voting against their implementation.

�Teen screening� targets government insurance, advising school personnel to apply for a grant to secure funds to cover mental health services for students.

Allen Jones, a former investigator at the Pennsylvania Office of the Inspector General, revealed that a comprehensive national policy to screen and treat �mental illness� relies on �expensive, patented medications of questionable benefit and deadly side effects, and to force private insurers to pick up more of the tab.�

Writing in Education Reporter in 2001, Diane Alden, research analyst with a background in political science and economics, revealed,�Before the national self-esteem movement began, kids earned self-esteem or absorbed it naturally from their parents. When they accomplished something, whether or not they received praise for it, they understood that they had done something good. � However, as the sociologists and educrats of the �60s applied the psychological theories to the schools, education went downhill. The results have been disastrous. Test scores, reading and math ability of American children have spiraled downward. �

As it turns out, more scientists believe that this overblown self-esteem may actually be one of the causes of violence in public schools and elsewhere.�

William Bonner, an attorney for the Rutherford Institute, a U.S. civil liberties organization, says that these programs have led to �a massive invasion of the family and the rights of individual students through curricula utilizing psychological programming and experimentation, as well as a broad spectrum of behavior modification techniques. � The traditional interests and rights of parents have been trampled upon, as educators have proceeded on the proposition that professionals know better than parents how to raise children.�

VIOLENCE AND CRIME rates continue to increase and the outgrowth of psychiatry�s impact on education has been the dismaying fact that our criminals are becoming younger. Manuel Sanchez and John Duncan, both 12, were arrested for the murder of a migrant worker in Washington State, U.S. According to the police, the boys shot the man after he threw rocks at them because they were shooting too close to him.


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