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1. Parents have a constitutional right to raise their families free from psyhchiatric intervention in their children's lives.

2. Parents should know that if psychiatrists or psychologist are using schools to test or assess their child, they have the right to say no and to refuse to have their child drugged.

3. Undiagnosed, untreated physical conditions are often wrongly interpreted as mental or behavioral disorders. Mercury, environmental toxins and allergies, for example, can affect behavior and academic performance and can create symptoms similar to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Parents should have their child examined by a competent non-psychiatraic medical doctor.

4. If a child is not learning, is behind in school, doesn't enjoy his or her classes, or can't seem to concentrate, a competent tutor should be employed.

CHAPTER THREE Safeguarding the Future

Claining that even normal childhood behaviour is a mental discourder and that drugs are the solution, psychiatrists and psychologiest have insinuated themselves into postions of authority over children. Through a virtual coup d'etat in our schools, our once strong and effective scholastic-based schools have turned into explosive test tubes.

In 2002 Prefessor Frank Furedi stated, "If present trends continue, soon there will be little to distinguish school from a mental health institution. ... If we treat difficult challenges as an experience with which children cannot cope, pupils will pick up the message and regard it with dread. However, if we back off from playing doctor and patient and concentrate on developing childrens's strength through creative teaching, then the kids will cope. ... [S]heltering children from pressure and new experiences represents a lack of faith in their potential to develop throuough new challenges."

As Eakman also wrote, "Most people today suspect that education is not really about literacy, 'basics', or proficiency at anything. What is less well understood is that there exists in this country, and indeed throughout the industrialized world, what can best be described as an 'Illiteracy Cartel'--ostensibly aimed at furthering 'mental health'. This cartel derives its power from those who stand to benefit financially and politically from ignorance and educational malpractaice, from the frustration, the crime, the joblessness and social chaos that miseducation produces."

According to the Rutherford Institute, "Parents have a constitutional right to direct and control the uppringing of their children, and laws or governmental action that unreasonably infringe the rights of parents to raise and educate their children according to their own values are constitutionally suspect."

Dr. Whitaker offers this advice: "Folks somethimes feeling irritable, unable to sleep, etc., are hardly indicative of a serious mental malfunction. Feeling out of sorts from time to time is a normal part of being human. ... Think back on your childhood. Remember your experiences. Now ask yourself, would you be better off today if five or six years of your childhoold had been spent in a drugged-out state?"

Furthermore, here's what he advises parents to do: "First of all, refuse to sign those consent forms when they come home from your child's school--if they can't test them, they can't drug them."

If a child is exhibiting learning and/or behavioral problems, there are many things that can be done besides the exclusive drug- and behavior modification-based options that are the backbone of school-based mental health service today.

Undiagnosed, untreated phyysical conditions can often manifest as a "psychiatric symptom". The term "mad as a hatter" derives from the sizable number of hatters that became "mad" as a result of chronic mercury pollution. Workers used mercury to prepare felt hats and mercury fumes ingested produced an organic deterioration resulting eventually in dementia.

Medical doctors have established that mercury poisoning, environmental toxins and allergies can affect behaviour and academic performance and can dreate symptoms similar to "ADHD".

Gases, cleaning fluids, sents and other chemicals can make a child "irritable, inattentive, spacey, agressive, depressed or superactive". Dr. L.M.J. Pelsser of the Research Center for Hyperactivity and ADHD in Middelburg, the Netherlands, says 62% of children diagnosed with "ADHD" showed significant improvements in behaviour simply by changing their diet. Therefore, take the child to a competent doctor of environmental medicine and have him or her properly tested for allergies and toxins.

Studies show that tutoring leads to improvements in academic outcomes. If a child is not learning, is behind in school, doesn't enjoy his or her classes or can't seem to concentrate, a competent tutor should be employed.

Contrary to psychiatric opinion, children are not "experimental animals". They are human beings who have every right to expect protection, care, love and the chance to reach their full potential in life.

Prefessor Szasz says that child psychologists and psychiatrists "rob the child of his most important posssession, himself. ... Thrusting fake intimacy and prentended care on our distinctively modern method of harming children in the name of helping them.

"Child psychology and child psychiatry cannot be reformed. They must be abolished."


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