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1. A significant portion of religion�s misplaced reliance is on the �expertise� of psychiatry and psychology for the diagnosis and handling of emotionally distraught individuals. Foremost, persons in such desperate circumstances must be provided proper and effective medical care. Medical�not psychiatric�attention, good nutrition, a healthy, safe environment, activity that promotes confidence and effective education will do far more for a troubled person than drugging, shocks, and other psychiatric atrocities.

2. As either a cleric or parishioner, insist only on scriptural, moral approaches to address problems in life. True religious counseling can provide workable spiritual values by which a person can judge his own conduct and take eff ective action to regain personal responsibility for self and others.

3. Churches should rid their schools of atheistic psychological and psychiatric curricula so that children are no longer influenced by their humanistic, godless approach to life.

4. Churches should replace psychiatric and psychological programs in their hospitals and other facilities with medically recognized programs and faith components to assist healing.

5. Churches of all denominations should work together to provide humane and workable social services, such as drug rehabilitation, assisting the elderly, literacy and education programs, and religious programs in the community. They should refuse to allow psychiatry and psychology�s atheistic lies to create conflict within and between religions.

6. If a parishioner has been assaulted, forcibly treated or damaged by a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health practitioner, encourage them to report any incidents of crime and abuse to the police and to their nearest branch of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, who can assist them.

The address can be found in the Citizens Commission on Human Rights pages by clicking on the link in the column to the left. Or complete the Abuse Case Investigation Form found by clicking on the box in the upper left section of the page.

For further information:
CCHR International
6616 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA, USA 90028
Telephone: (323) 467-4242  (800) 869-2247  Fax: (323) 467-3720  e-mail: [email protected]

investigates and exposes psychiatric violations of human rights. It works shoulder-to-shoulder with like-minded groups and individuals who share a common purpose to clean up the field of mental health. We shall continue to do so until psychiatry�s abusive and coercive practices cease and human rights and dignity are returned to all.

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