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1. Proper medical screening by non-psychiatric diagnostic specialists could eliminate more than 40% of psychiatric admissions.

2. In 2002, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recommended more research into �the impact of proper tutoring and educational solutions for children exhibiting ADHD symptoms, into behavioral effects of such medical problems as allergies or toxic reactions, and into alternative forms of treatment such as diet.�

3. In 2002, the U.S. President�s Commission on Excellence in Special Education found that 40% of American children [2.8 million] in Special Education programs labeled with �learning disorders� had simply never been taught to read.

4. The DSM is the key to escalating  mental illness statistics and psychotropic drug usage worldwide. Untold harm and colossal waste of mental health funds occur because of it. The DSM diagnostic system must be abandoned before real mental health reform can occur.

CHAPTER FIVE Better Solutions

According to psychiatric thinking, the �solution� for everything from the most minor to most severe personal problem is strictly limited to:

1. Diagnosing symptoms using the scientifically discredited Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

2. Assigning a mental illness label.

3. Designating a restrictive, generally coercive and costly range of treatments.

As decades of psychiatric monopoly over the world�s mental health reflects, this unilateral approach leads only to upwardly spiraling mental illness statistics, continuously escalating funding demands�and away from cures.

Fortunately, many non-psychiatric, humane and workable  practices exist in the quest for the achievement and recovery of mental health, even for the most severely disturbed individuals. While psychiatry strenuously denies it, much knowledgeable and skillful help is administered by non-psychiatric professionals.

The following perspectives are presented in support of these courageous and caring pioneers who dare to stand against the tide of psychiatric opinion. From their good work, the reality is slowly emerging that, while answers to our mental health problems may already exist, the wrong place to look for them is in psychiatry.

Medical studies have shown time and again that for many patients, what appear to be mental problems are actually caused by an undiagnosed physical illness or condition. This does not mean a �chemical imbalance� or a �brain-based disease.� It does not mean that mental illness is physical. It does mean that ordinary medical problems can affect behavior and outlook.

According to a California study, up to 40% of psychiatric facility admissions would be unnecessary if patients were first properly medically examined. This represents enormous potential savings in terms of dollars and suffering.

Former psychiatrist William H. Philpott, now a specialist in nutritional brain allergies, reports, �Symptoms resulting from B12 deficiencies range from poor concentration to stuporous depression, severe agitation and hallucinations. Evidence showed that certain nutrients could stop neurotic and psychotic reactions and that the results could be immediate.�

Anorexia nervosa , a condition marked by loss of appetite and self-starvation to the point of death, can be diminished with doses of zinc or amino acids. Medical doctors have established that environmental toxins, mercury poisoning and allergies can affect behavior and academic performance and can create symptoms that are falsely diagnosed as ADHD. Laura J. Stevens, author of the book  Twelve Effective Ways to Help Your ADD/ADHD Child, says, �Gases, cleaning fluids, formaldehyde, scents and other chemicals can make a child irritable, inattentive, spacey, aggressive, depressed or hyperactive.�

Dr. L.M.J. Pelsser of the Research Center for Hyperactivity and ADHD in the Netherlands found that 62% of children diagnosed with �ADHD� showed significant improvements in behavior as a result of a change in diet over a period of three weeks.

Dr. Sydney Walker, author of A Dose of Sanity, said that thousands of children put on psychiatric drugs are simply �smart.� �They�re  hyper, not because their brains don�t work right, but because they spend most of the day waiting for slower students to catch up with them. These students are bored to tears, and people who are bored fidget, wiggle, scratch, stretch, and (especially if they are boys) start looking for ways to get into trouble.�

If a child is labeled with �hyperactivity� or a �learning disorder,� he or she should first be tested for allergies, toxins or other medical problems. Tutoring and educational solutions that consider the academic ability of the child should also be considered of primary importance.

Funding should be directed to those mental health facilities that have a full complement of diagnostic equipment and competent medical (non-psychiatric) doctors.

It should be established that before health insurance coverage for mental health problems is provided, searching and competent physical examinations must be undertaken to confirm that no underlying, physical condition is causing the person�s mental condition. This alone would save countless people from being unnecessarily and falsely labeled and then treated as mentally ill through the use of the DSM/ICD.

The same waste of lives and funding occurs wherever the DSM is used to evaluate an individual�s mental health or actions. Although a mammoth task, it is nevertheless vital that the DSM diagnostic system is universally rejected before any chance of meaningful mental health reform and advancement can occur.

While life is full of problems, and sometimes those problems can be overwhelming, it is important for you to know that psychiatry, its diagnoses and its drugs, are the wrong direction to go. The drugs can only chemically mask problems and symptoms; they cannot and never will be able to solve problems.


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