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Loosening Morals, Creating Promiscuity

A source of parental tension in education today is the amount and type of attention being given to sex education programs. Mandatory in schools in many countries, most of them start with children 12 years of age, although in some countries, sex education begins in kindergarten.

Who can argue against the merits of sex education at some point in a child�s life? The legitimate questions for parents to ask here are: at what point, by whom and how? However, psychiatry and psychology have dictated the answers while progressively disenfranchising parents.

A controversial British sex education program called �A Pause� is used in about 150 secondary schools. Lynda Brine, an advanced skills science teacher, writing in the Times Educational Supplement, said the program that she attended did not make children aware that sexual intercourse under the age of 16 is illegal. She also expressed concern about how teachers are expected to respond to �frequently asked questions.� Brine wrote: �Examples included when a 14-year-old girl asks: �What does semen taste like?� � I ask myself why children of this age ask such things. � A course such as this gives children information they do not or should not know.�

In Mainz, Germany, the Health Ministry produced a booklet called, �Let�s Talk About Sex� in which a youth asks the question: �How long should a couple be together before you start becoming intimate?� The answer given is: �There is no rule, nothing you have to do. Do what you like and when you want. Your emotions (feelings) are what count.�

A 1993 German report called: �Perversion statt Aufkl�rung� (Perversion Instead of the Birds and the Bees), exposed how millions of Deutsche marks had been spent on an AIDS Help Center that provided pornography and sexually stimulating propaganda for teachers to use to conduct sex education classes. Nothing less than brainwashing, the programs for 12-year-olds and above called for a child to pick a card that displayed the subject for open group discussion. Some of the topics include: �Have you ever seen a pornographic film?� (There are multiple answers to choose from ranging from thinking it stupid to feeling excited by it.) �Have you ever fondled someone in a car?� �How important is sexuality in your life?�

Under a nationwide U.S. lesson called �Pornography Debate,� students are asked to research and debate the pros and cons of pornography and the law in relation to �limiting or broadening their First Amendment right (freedom of speech).�

In 2003, Minnesota parent Denise Walker testified before the State legislature that schools should require students to be taught abstinence as part of sex education: �My life was a living hell as a result of a curriculum that basically said, �Do what you want to, but use a condom.�� Jennifer Beecher, a high school senior testifying on the same issue said that sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy are a problem in her school and that abstinence is not given much attention in the classroom. �They never really gave any time on it. ... They basically taught us how to have safe sex.�

Kay Fradenecks, a pupil of values clarification, explained the devastating effects: �As a result of the indoctrination I received as a student, I began abusing drugs and became sexually promiscuous. I became pregnant twice, and twice aborted my babies, the effects of which are still evident with me today. I was applauded � for my decision to abort and encouraged to share my experience with my peers.�


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