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1. It is a well-established medical fact that undiagnosed and untreated physical disease creates the same mental symptoms that psychiatry chooses to define as a �psychiatric disorder.�

2. There are humane alternatives to the psychiatric monopoly. People in desperate circumstances must be provided proper and effective
medical care.

3. Italy�s Dr. Giorgio Antonucci provided non-drug treatment to patients that psychiatrists had labeled as �dangerous� but who, with proper medical care and communication, were stable and discharged from the hospital.

4. The use of physical and mechanical restraints is an assault and should be outlawed.

CHAPTER FOUR Restoring Basic Humanity

Dr. Sydney Walker III, a neurologist, psychiatrist and author of A Dose of Sanity, scoffed at the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, saying it had �led to the unnecessary drugging of millions � who could be diagnosed, treated and cured without the use of toxic and potentially lethal medications.�

Charles B. Inlander, president of The People�s Medical Society, and his colleagues wrote in Medicine on Trial , �People with real or alleged psychiatric or behavioral disorders are being misdiagnosed �and harmed� to an astonishing degree .... Many of them do not have psychiatric problems but exhibit physical symptoms that may mimic mental conditions and so they are misdiagnosed, put on drugs, put in institutions and sent into a limbo from which they may never return.�

Researchers tell us: �The most common medically induced psychiatric symptoms are apathy, anxiety, visual hallucinations, mood and personality changes, dementia, depression, delusional thinking, sleep disorders (frequent or early morning awaking), poor concentration, changed speech patterns, tachycardia [rapid heartbeat], nocturia [excessive urination at night], tremulousness and confusion.�

�No single psychiatric symptom exists that cannot at times be caused or aggravated by various physical illnesses,� researcher Erwin Koranyi reported in a Canadian study.

The psychiatrist blatantly and continually chooses to ignore this evidence. Nevertheless, it is a well-established fact that undiagnosed and untreated physical disease creates the very same mental and physical symptoms that psychiatry chooses to define as symptoms of untreated psychiatric conditions. The critical difference is that correctly diagnosing and treating the physical condition cures the disease, thereby automatically resolving the mental and physical symptoms. By contrast, psychiatric diagnosis and treatment of supposed mental illness has never determined the cause, therefore never cures the �illness� and�because it is hit and miss at best� always worsens the symptoms, provided the treatment isn�t fatal.

There are humane alternatives to the psychiatric industry�s monopoly. People in desperate circumstances must be provided proper and effective medicalcare. Sound medical attention, good nutrition, a healthy, safe environment and activity that promotes confidence, will do far more for a troubled person than repeated drugging, shocks, violent restraints and other psychiatric abuses.

Mental health facilities should have non-psychiatric physicians on their staff and be equipped with a full complement of diagnostic equipment to locate underlying and undiagnosed physical conditions. Such correct diagnosis would prevent an estimated 40% of psychiatric admissions.


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