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South Africa

CCHR�s main chapter in South Africa, while investigating mental �health� labor camps in the 1970s, uncovered that eugenics, the same psychiatric ideology that formed the foundation of the Holocaust, had also spawned the detestable apartheid policy. Hendrik Verwoerd, who taught what he called applied psychology, was the chief architect of apartheid during the time he was Minister for Education and Native Affairs and, between 1958�64, as Prime Minister of the country. Verwoerd had studied in German universities in the 1920s, when psychiatrists there were perfecting their racial purity ideas. Indeed, Verwoerd was so fond of Germany that a court accused him of being helpful to the German propaganda machine during WWII. Given this background, it is not surprising that his apartheid ideas read like the Nazis� master race plan.

Members of the Church of Scientology and CCHR discovered that tens of thousands of Blacks were incarcerated against their will, in disused mining compounds converted to psychiatric camps, and were excessively drugged and subjected to painful electroshock without anesthetics. They were hired out to companies to perform unpaid labor�making coat hangers, brushes, mats, sheets and other items under the guise of �industrial therapy.� Shocked by this first expos� of their hidden slave camps, the guilty psychiatrists convinced the apartheid gov- ernment to revise the Mental Health Act to make it a criminal offense to report on conditions in any psychiatric hospital or to take photographs of them. Unwilling to have a dictatorial ban inhibit its free speech rights, CCHR went outside of South Africa, reporting its evidence to the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO responded with an investigation of the psychiatric camps and in 1983, published a report: It confirmed CCHR�s reports and findings and condemned the use of patients for unpaid labor, stating, �This situation has no parallel in the history and present state of psychiatric care; it certainly does have a parallel in the ownership and trading of slaves.�

In 1997, CCHR presented oral and written testimony to South Africa�s post-apartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission about crimes committed by both psychiatrists and psychologists during the country�s dark days of racial segregation. Confronted with indisputable evidence, the Psychological Society of South Africa finally had to admit that psychological studies had aimed at discrediting Blacks as intellectually inferior. Subsequently, in 1998, legislation was called for to scrap all racist psychological tests.

In 2001, the new South African government repealed the apartheid-era ban on photographing or reporting abuses in psychiatric facilities. Psychiatry can no longer be shielded from the external scrutiny it requires.


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