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CASE REPORTS Abused in Institutions

With  billions  in  government  appropriations allocated for mental health treatment,  just  how  safe  and  effective  are psychiatric  institutions?  The  following  cases illustrate the dangers of a system that lacks scientific  understanding of  causes  of  mental health  problems, with  a  subsequent lack  of  workable remedies and the terrible  consequences that result.

In  2001,  a  psychiatric  nurse found  a  53-year-old man  unresponsive 12  hours  after  he had been medicated for  �hostile,  cursing behavior.�  The  man died  within  hours. An  autopsy  revealed that  he  suffered  from multiple sclerosis (MS). Facility  staff  thought �MS� on his admission form  meant  �mental status.�

Carl McCloskey says  his  son,  John, 19,  was  sodomized with  a  broom-like handle  in  a  psychiatric hospital, tearing his bowel and puncturing his liver. The teenager became violently ill, lapsed into a coma and died 14 months later.

Seventeen-year-old  Kelly  Stafford  agreed  to  enter  a  psychiatric  facility,  expecting  a  brief respite  from  troubled  family  relationships. But  once  the  door  was  closed,  she  was  kept for 309 days, many of them spent behind blackened  windows  in  darkness.  Her  arms  and  legs were strapped for months at a time. Others in  the  facility  were  forced  to sit  motionless  and silent  for  12-hour  stretches.  �I  had  to eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner in restraints,� Ms. Stafford said. �There�s not a day that goes by that you don�t think about it.�

In  2003, Masami  Houki,  head of  Houki  Psychiatric Clinic  in  Japan,  was charged  with  manslaughter  after  he plugged  the  mouth of  a  31-year-old female  patient  with tissue  and  adhesive tape,  injected  her with  a  tranquilizer, tied  her  hands  and feet,  and  forced  her to  lie  on  the  back seat  of  a  car  while being  transferred  to the  clinic.  She  was dead on arrival.

In  Athens, Greece,  the  Ntaou Pendeli  psychiatric institution  kept  children  in  a  ward with mentally handicapped adults. Some of  the  children were naked; all were housed  in  cold, barren  rooms  and  often  left  to  lie  in  their  own feces  and  urine.  A  teenager  had  been  locked  up for years after he misbehaved when his father left his  mother  for  another  woman.  He  witnessed horrors  such  as  the  rape  of  other  children  by psychiatric nurses. 

An 8-year-old from Massachusetts, who suffered from epilepsy, was rushed by his parents to the hospital for a medication adjustment after he experienced hallucinations. Instead of adjusting his medication,  staff  committed  him  to  a  psychiatric facility. It took the frantic parents an entire day to secure his transfer to a medical hospital for appropriate care. 

Dana Davis was slammed face down on his living room floor and handcuffed by police before his horrified wife and 6 year old son. This occurred after  he  walked out of  the  office  of  a  psychiatrist he didn�t  like.  As  he  was  leaving,  she  asked, �Can  you  promise  you  will  not  commit  suicide between  now  and  our  next  meeting?�  Jokingly he quipped,  �I�m  no  soothsayer!�  Thirty  minutes later,  the  three  police  officers  were  taking  him  to the  hospital  where  he  was  found  not  suicidal and released.

A  psychiatrist  committed  Ruchla  �Rose� Zinger,  a  64-year-old  Holocaust  survivor  with  an understandable history of mental instability, to an institution. The psychiatrist relied solely on reports by  family  members.  To  carry  out  the  involuntary commitment, police broke down the door to her house, handcuffed her and shoved her down the stairs. She suffered a heart attack and died. 

In  1999,  psychiatrists  in  Germany  involuntarily  committed  a  79-year-old  woman because  neighbors  reported  she  had  acted �strangely.�  Despite  her  long-term  diabetes  and liver,  kidney  and  heart  conditions,  she  was prescribed between five and 20 times the normal dosage of  powerful  tranquilizers.  Six  days  later the  woman  had  to  be  rushed  to  a  hospital emergency  room,  where  she  died.  Doctors reported she had needed urgent medical attention at least a day earlier and the autopsy showed that she died of  breathing  difficulties�a  complication of tranquilizers.


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