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I am a volunteer CCHR Human Rights Investigator

"The purpose of CCHR is: To make the world safe by bringing psychiatrists and psychologist back under the law, ensuring their criminal and abusive prictices and ideologies are abolished and having them deprived of their unearned appropriations, thus restoring human rights to the field of mental health.

"The world would be a safer place without psychiatry's abuses. 'Abuse'essentially means, 'to treat badly'or to 'maltreat or injure.'Psychiatric treatments are harmful—electroshock, drugs and psychosurgery all cause damage. Its disregard for human rights and contempt for equality before the law make psychiatry a menace to society.

"CCHR Investigators raise public awareness about abuses in the field of mental health by distrubuting CCHR materials, getting petitions signed, writing letters to the media, documenting psychiatric abuses, participating in demonstrations and many other grassroots activities."
—CCHR BASIC ACTION KIT Procedures and tools for the
Humam Rights Investigator

I, and many thousands of other CCHR Human Rights Investigators, have been issued a BASIC ACTION KIT that containes twenty one booklets, hundreds of pamphlets, three CDs and other materials to assist us in our work. I reformated the text in the twenty one booklets to create this website, making them easy to download and read. The links to them are found in the LH column of this page.

If you wish to view the booklets listed on the left with their full graphics and footnoted data source references, you will need Adobe Reader which can be downloaded free from Then Click Here for the full version shown in Adobe Acrobat. DSL or Cable Modem are need for faster download and only the English version is available for viewing at this time.

 If you or anyone you know has been abused by a mental health practitioner, please REPORT IT! Go to the ABUSE CASE INVESTIGATION FORM, fill it out and email it to us using our secure report line. Your information will be kept confidential and you will be assisted by CCHR.

If you would like to do more to expose the crimes of psychiatrists and psychologists, you are welcome to join us as a CCHR Human Rights Investigator. Here is the link to the CCHR website where you can apply.


Fred Hare
CCHR Human Rights Investigator

If you wish to view the booklets listed on the left with their full graphics and footnoted data source information,
you will need Adobe Reader which can be downloaded free from
Then Click Here for the full version shown in Adobe Acrobat.
Note: DSL or Cable Modem are need for faster download and only the English version is available for viewing at this time.
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